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Live or Visual Voicemail for iOS

What is Live Voicemail?

Live Voicemail is Apple's on-device voicemail service integrated into the Visual Voicemail section of iPhones. It’s an iPhone feature supported by Apple, not a network feature.

When is Live Voicemail activated?

Live Voicemail is turned on by default when customers update their iPhone to iOS 18.

How does Live Voicemail work?

When Live Voicemail is active and a call is missed or rejected, it records the voicemail and saves it to the phone/iCloud. The voicemail won’t be sent to 101.

What’s different about Live Voicemail?

  • Custom Greeting: Users need to set up a new greeting.
  • Ring Time: Calls ring for 15 seconds before going to voicemail.
  • Storage: Voicemails are saved on the device/iCloud, not on the network.

Do I have to use Live Voicemail?

No, it's optional. Users can choose whether to use this feature.

How do I turn off Live Voicemail?

To disable Live Voicemail:

  1. Go to your iPhone Settings.
  2. Select Phone.
  3. Find Live Voicemail.
  4. Turn off/unselect the feature.

Will callers notice a difference?

If you set up a new greeting similar to your MessageBank one, the experience should be seamless for callers, except for the shorter ring time.

Is Live Voicemail a network feature?

No, Live Voicemail is an iPhone feature supported by Apple, not a network feature.

What happens to my existing voicemails?

Existing voicemails on the network (101) won’t be transferred to Live Voicemail. You’ll need to manage these separately.

Can I still access my network voicemail?

Yes, you can still access your network voicemail by calling 101. However, new messages won’t be sent there when Live Voicemail is active.