Contact ALDImobile

We're here to help. You can call, send an email via our form, make a complaint, or visit the knowledge base.

Give us a call

We're open Monday to Sunday: 8am - 9pm (AEDT)
  • Call us on 1300 989 000 (charges may apply).
  • Dial 2534 (ALDI) from your ALDImobile service, it's free.
Other numbers

You can use the contact methods listed above to make a complaint - for more information see our Complaint Handling Policy.

Send an email

Complete our contact form to send an email. For time-sensitive matters please call. 

If your device stopped working between 28 October - 3 November 2024 it might be impacted by 3G shutdown, so head to our dedicated page for information first. 

Due to a high volume of enquiries, it may take us longer to get back to you. If you have an urgent enquiry, please contact us on 1300 989 000.

Email us

Make a complaint

If you have an issue that hasn't been resolved or you'd like to raise a complaint, you can call us or submit a contact form. Alternatively you can review our complaints policy for detailed information.


Visit the knowledge base

Get instant answers on general advice, how-to's and trouble shooting from the FAQ.

Visit the FAQ